let it see you again?
plan on having venison for dinner?
unusual that it laid down.
could indicate that it's sick or old or still quite young.
bad idea to make friends.
they're really afraid, but if you corner them, they will attack you.
they have very sharp hooves, and can do serious damage.
if it just sees you, it'll try quite hard to leave.
you want it to know you're around, but you don't want to corner it.
it's not the brightest bulb on the tree.Okay, theres a deer in my backyard!?
Nothing dear. Enjoy watching from afar. They are timid animals unless threatened. They are so beautiful. I see them frequently running or standing in fields on my way to work. I truly enjoy the sight of them. They are part of the wonderful creation we belong to. Jehovah has such an eye for beauty and I think deer are among the most beautiful. Enjoy them while you can in wild. The day will be soon that we can enjoy them up close and personal, so to speak.
I wouldn't worry about it (unless it is foaming at the mouth or is behaving really strange then call animal control). I have a lot of deer in my yard and they just eat grass look at you, eat some more and skip about. They don't come up close to you, they usually run away.
If you live in the city, you might call animal control. They might take care of it like a stray dog or cat.
If you live very far in the country, a friend or hunter might shoot it, and share the meat with you.
In between, you may wish to go out and scare it off. Some people feed them (corn).
Oh, just leave it alone.
People are probably destroying where it used to live and it's trying to find somewhere else to live.
It's just a deer, it won't eat you.
It won't make its new home in your back yard.
Now that it's gone it probably won't come back.
avoid the area where it bedded down for a week or 2. deer ticks carry lime disease %26amp; you wont notice their embedded in your skin until a few days after they get on you.
Take a picture of it next time..
Don't scare it, maybe it will start
coming back more..
that's cool. you should have went to make friends.
is it called BAMBI?
shoot it. ill go by n eat it
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