Friday, February 12, 2010

One more deer question them I am done, deer summer sausage rolls, anyone?

know how to make these, my husbands buddy makes them says it takes three days to cook anyone know what this recipe is, sure would get me points with the hubbieOne more deer question them I am done, deer summer sausage rolls, anyone?
yes, I'll take one.One more deer question them I am done, deer summer sausage rolls, anyone?
Deer meat, if properly handled in the field, by a knowledgeable hunter, is superb in its original form. To ruin it by making sausage out of it is disgraceful and an outright insult to all deer. If the meat tastes so bad that you have to make sausage from it and disguise its fine taste, then your hubby is not handling the animal properly in the field and needs special education on field dressing of deer. Like all things, there is a right way, wrong way and best way to handle these animals in order to achieve perfect taste of the meat. Most hunters never have even heard of the best way.
You can buy the flavorings and mahogany skins to stuff. I am assuming you mean deer salami that would be about 2 and 3/4 inch diameter about 2 and half feet long.

If you buy a whole kit, it will cost about 18 bucks and makes about 10 3 pound sticks of salami. Having a grinder and some lean pork butt to add on a 50/50 basis with the deer is a given. You can get the kits at Cabelas.

Having a sausage/salami stuffer is even better especially if it is the high end type.Curing the sausage is done in about 2-3 hours in your oven at temps ranging from 150 -225 degrees. You may want to turn the salamis so they don't get too done in one spot. These will keep for 2 weeks in the fridge but most folks freeze them and take them out as needed. However, a frost free freezer will sooner or later '; shrink'; the salami and make it very hard since it is taking the moisture out.

Making it at home is not that hard and will end up costing about 4 dollars per stick. Good luck and enjoy.
Can't say I do but check with his buddy would be my first suggestion, if its his secret ask his wife lol, other then that the place that processes his meat will most likely have something like it. And your husband sure is a lucky fella to have his wife take up such an interest in this, if you have any twins, I will glady forward you my address.
1st: Donald S shut up, no one needs to hear your incessant ramblings or opinions of how they should eat their deer! It is personal taste.

I, like many people have many things made out of my deer, breakfast sausage, summer sausage, pepperoni ect. I get some great recipes from meat markets and game processors. Try them first, or you could google any combination of what you are looking for. Good luck.
My husband always gets this done at the meat processor. He gets sausage, jerky, bologna, summer sausage and ham along with the regular cuts.
yeah , donald , stuff it...i make excellent sausage along with steaks and roasts...just because you dont like it , dont knock sound like one of those citiots who makes out into the woods a couple times a year...
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