Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Why are deer afraid of people?

Before everyone says - because they are hunted - I have worked in areas that do not allow hunting (parks, neighborhoods, etc) and deer are still scared of people. Being afraid of anything larger than them is a good survival strategy.Why are deer afraid of people?
I think god put it in their nature to be like that. Most animals are afraid of people..Why are deer afraid of people?
because we eat them
the same reason all wild animals r they rnt used to ppl and we hunt them
Let's see, if someone pointed a gun at your head just for sport, if someone thought you were a moving target for four tons of steel and vinyl, if someone took your head and hung it on a wall while dining on burgers made of your muscle, WOULDN'T YOU BE JUST A LITTLE BIT AFRAID TOO?
Most animals are afraid of humans (and other larger animals), it is part of their survival instinct.
because we kill them
They saw ';Bambi'; too....
what a dumb question.....

all wild animals are afraid of things they don't know , like humans
Not all deer are afraid of people. They can get used to people and exist very easily with them. Deer that are not used to people see them as a threat because they are different. They are extremely familiar with their surroundings and anything that should not be there is seen as a threat. It is all built into their basic survival mode.
People shoot and eat them. People drive their cars fast into them... etc.
First they are animals so its natural that they are going to be sacred of you and second most of the time people try to hunt them and last, most of the time they end up getting runed over
for the obvious reasons.
Cause, their wild animals.
I've noticed that a deer's opinion of me is largely affected by if I'm holding corn kernels.
Deer are afraid of people for 3 reasons.

First, they learn to be from other deer. Second, they are afraid because they KNOW man is a predator. Third, they are afraid of man because they aren't sure if man is a predator.

Just an FYI to respond to some of the ignorant answers I saw.

Deer are basically pretty curious, adn only afraid of what they know can hurt them or what they they do not know will definitely not hurt them. There are towns in which deer thrive because they have zero predators. They know they have no reason to fear man and they will stand right next to you grazing on your vegetable garden. I have seen several wild deer, raised by their mothers, become completely tame because they spent so much time in close proximity to people. The doe never was trusting, but the fawn grew to adulthood never having the slightest fear of people.

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